We are pleased to confirm that The Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland chose Nottingham as the destination for their next year’s conference. The 2017 Inner Wheel conference will take place between 3rd and 5th April at the Nottingham Royal Concert Hall.
Inner Wheel was founded in Manchester, England in 1924. International Inner Wheel was formed in 1967 and the clubs have since spread to 103 countries with 100,000 members worldwide, 17,000 of those being in Great Britain and Ireland.
The objectives of this service organisation are:
- To promote true friendship
- To encourage the ideals of personal service
- To foster international understanding
Clubs meet regularly and have a full and varied programme through which friendships are built and maintained. Visiting other clubs and joining in their activities broadens the opportunity to make new friends.
You can now book your accommodation for this conference, click here to reserve your room.
Posted on 21 March 2017